High Conflict Separation has victims. Whether you're the target of a separation blindside or the one initiating the divorce, chances are you're in short end of the stick. Short of money. Short of resources. Shor the polish and presence you bring to the world. It's who you are when you are at your best ~ a combination of your demeanour, communication style, ability to connect with people, your achievements and personality. DECISION POINTS COACHING brings your unique talents forward so that you attract and enjoy the best that life has to offer.
Career & Business
When it's time to take charge and make a change hitting the refresh button calls for the kind of fortitude that is made easier with the help of an unbiased perspective and an unvarnished eye. Discover the career for you, pinpoint what you truly want, create a resume that addresses your strengths, and set out with the tools and know-how to polish your professional presence and go the distance.
In addition to getting undivided coaching and support, you will obtain an in-depth summary detailing your strengths, development areas and leadership qualities. Thomas Edison
Leadership & Communication
We connect at warp speed. Reduce sentences to soundbites. Transact rather than interact. Are on-line more than we're in person. On the surface living in a 'faceless' world is ideal. We can work from anywhere. Save oodles on transit. Toss away our Starbucks card.
But it's a juggling act. And it's a jungle. Let DECISION POINTS COACHING show you how to lead the team, deliver a persuasive presentation, influence a decision-maker and get a simple job done in a time when the ability to connect with a live person seems like the impossible dream. |